Greetings from Toby's Foundation!


By Giving Blood...

Are there still dogs affected with epilepsy that have not had their blood drawn yet and sent in for the research?

Do you have a dog affected with epilepsy? Do you know someone who has a dog affected with epilepsy? We ask you to please donate a blood sample from your affected dog and ask the person you know who has an affected dog if they have given a blood sample yet. Blood from affected dogs is vital to the research. Please make your dog a part of this important research to find the genes responsible for canine epilepsy and develop a screening test. Instructions and forms for sending in a blood sample to Dr. Ned Patterson who is heading up the research for us at the University of Minnesota are available on our website by clicking the link below.

If you have any questions or need assistance please let us know. If you have already given, thank you.

View Blood Sample Submission Instructions

By Holding a Fundraiser...

ImageWe have always featured our donors and special designations on our website. We would now like to begin highlighting the efforts of our supporters who raise funds for us. By running a fundraiser, you not only make a donation to help us stop canine epilepsy but you also help us raise awareness of the problem by getting others involved. We have already had some Aussie clubs send donations from raffles they have held and those clubs are listed on our website. With this new feature, we can highlight any individual's or group's special effort.

No amount or event is too small. Whether it’s a cake sale, car wash, raffle or auction at a dog show, a formal dinner or other event, we would like to PR your effort. Just tell us what you did and/or send us a picture so we can highlight the event. We would particularly love to get kids involved in caring, sharing and working for better health for all dogs by helping to stop this disease. For example, if you work at a school, the students could run a fundraiser for us and we would feature their efforts on our website. We can make available Toby’s Foundation brochures to have on hand for the fundraiser.

By Making a Tax Deductible Donation...

Please make Toby's Foundation part of your charitable giving. Toby's Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal Tax Identification number is 74-3135217. Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law and helps us in our efforts to stop canine epilepsy. Please check with your employer about a matching gifts program.

If you would like to make a memorial or honorary gift to support canine epilepsy research, an announcement card can be sent to whomever you specify.

We accept donations online (see link below) or you may mail your check to:

Toby's Foundation
P.O. Box 7321
Laguna Niguel , CA 92677

Please Donate

AussiE-Update Volume III, No. 14
March 25, 2009

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Toby's Foundation
P.O. Box 7321
Laguna Niguel, California 92607

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